Elma and Feron
around 1934
This was taken around the time they were married. They are standing in front of Elma's home at 29 South 3rd West in Brigham City. He was 26 and she was 24 years old.
around 1934
Brigham City
Feron and Elma were married on January 8th 1934, the day after Feron's 26th birthday, in the Salt Lake Temple.
Elma and John
1937 or 38
Los Angeles
John was born in February of 1936 at the old hospital on Forest Street in Brigham City. Feron went to Los Angeles in late 1936 to find work. Shortly after that he found a job (as a Fuller Brush man) and a place to live. He sent for Elma and John, who took the train and were settled into their home on Beswick in East Los Angeles by John's first birthday.
Elma, Feron and John
John and Feron
Elma, Feron, John and Brent
Brent was born in March of 1940.
John and Elsa with their grandchildren
John and Brent are in the front.
Charlene Just, Camille and Chuck's daughter, is with grandpa and Natalie Knudson, daughter of Blanche and Jack Knudson is between grandma and grandpa.
Elma, Feron and John
around 1940

Feron and Brent, Elma and John
at the cemetery with the 1934 Plymouth
John and Brent
Feron with his sons
John, Brent and Paul
Paul was born in November of 1941.
Feron with Luann, Paul, John and Brent
Luann was born in December of 1942. This was taken on Randolph Street in Huntington Park. There was a vacant lot between the fence and the building (a pattern shop) where Feron grew a garden. John remembers it being a fun place to play as well.
John, Brent and Luann
Elma and Luann
John, Brent, Paul and Luann with friend Joe True
John, Brent, Paul and Luann
about 1944
John, Luann, Brent and Paul
late 1940s
Taken in the back yard of E. 60th Street
The back yard of 3530 East 60th Street in Huntington Park.
The garage is to the left, and the structure in the rear was originally the neighbor's garage, which grandpa moved and turned sideways to create an additional workspace.
John and the '46 Plymouth
East 60th Street
Luann and Paul with friend Wendell Waite in the back room addition Feron built on East 60th Street.
age 11
Feron and Elma
June 8th 1956
At John and Margaret's wedding reception at the Maywood Ward chapel.
Four generations of eldest sons:
Feron, John S. holding Kent, John
Kent was born in March of 1957. He was the first grandchild of Feron and Elma and the first great-grandchild of John and Elsa. By this time John and Elsa had moved to Huntington Park from Brigham City.
Feron and Kent
At home on East 60th Street, 1959.
Feron and Elma with their children: Luann, Paul and Brent and grandchildren: Kent and Kevin.
Grandpa is with Kevin, who was born in January of that year and Brent is with Kent, age 2.
On East 60th Street in Huntington Park, 1963
Clockwise from left: John, Kevin, Kent, Margaret, Kerry, Elma, Kirk, Feron, LuAnn, Tony, Paul
Elma & Feron in the living room on East 60th Street
around 1966
Christmas morning, 1966
Michelle, Paul and Feron at Aunt Lois' apartment in ParkLaBrea
about 1967
Feron, Tony and Keith D'Antuono and Jack Knudson
Passport photos, 1967
In Taiwan with Brent and Pauline
Feron reading the Signal at home in Huntington Park
With Karl, Kathleen and Derek
Elma & Feron
3530 East 60th Street
Huntington Park
November 1969
The trees that line Main Street in Brigham City were planted and watered by Feron when he worked for the city during the early 1930s.
Feron and the Swaps statue
Hollywood Park
Feron fabricated this bronze statue of the racehorse Swaps, winner of the 1955 Kentucky Derby, at A. J. Bayer, the ornamental Iron and Bronze foundry where he worked for many years.
1958 article from the Huntington Park Signal written by Feron's brother-in-law, Jack Knudson (Blanche's husband) about the Swaps statue.
Article from the Brigham City paper - probably 1951. This is the first mention of Feron's work as foreman at A.J. Bayer in Los Angeles. Feron was also involved in fabricating the bronze plaques at the entrance to the Los Angeles Colosseum and the bronze bases of the flagpoles at the Los Angeles County Courthouse.
Feron cast the bronze statue of General Douglas MacArthur in MacArthur Park, Los Angeles.
Bronze statues at Home Savings and Loan
Feron at the Hawaii state capitol
Karl, Tammi and Lainey Christensen under the bronze seal at the
Hawaii state capitol building in 2003,
34 years after its official unveiling in 1969 - on the 10th anniversary of Hawaii's statehood.